Monday, 26 October 2009

Friday, 23 October 2009

Changes to the profession under the Conservatives
Changes to the profession under the BNP



We are currently working on explaining our findings diagrammatically to address the following issues:

1. Questioning Relevance and Permanence

-Demonstrating locations of art centres situated where main roads meet and percent for art scheme concentrating on very visible art prodution at the side of roads
-The inverse rural space inbetween these roads, how are they affected and how culture is produced and funded differently
-Appropriate spaces for cultural production and questioning the need for a permanent art/cultural space

2. Cultural Expense

-Outreach in relation to funding intake of an institution
-Where the funding comes from - top down or bottom up
-Difference between agricultural activities attendance
-Location and proximity of users and how regular they visit or use the places
-Where is the cultural produced (is it brought in or produced on site)

3. Congregation

-Changing of congregational places through time
-Migration of people both rural - urban, north - south, Ireland - international
-Changing monuments, spiritual places and their location

4. Choice and Cycles

-Nature vs Nurture
-Born into a certain culture such as a farming or academic family
-Border differences, restrictions of cultural crossings
-The importance of choice when interacting with the arts and culture

Studio Discussions/Sketches